Not the easy way, but the right way – Pastor Young Joo Lee

I may not know what others think of me, but I consider myself to be someone whose spiritual sense is quite dull. While there is something prophetic about prayer, it’s not like I have clear revelations from God like some do, nor do I have many spiritual experiences. God leads people according to their personality and temperament, so maybe, being a rational person, He wants me to comfort those like me and to catch the mistakes that overly emotional people can easily make.

For nearly two months, my physical condition wasn’t good. I had an ear infection for the first time in my life, and for the first few days, the pain in my ear was so severe that I couldn’t sleep. After visiting the GP and taking prescribed medication, the pain subsided after a few days, but my left ear remained blocked for a month, making me wonder if something was wrong with my eardrum. I even worried if this could lead to permanent hearing loss. Now, it’s much better, and I feel about 90% recovered.

Just when I thought I was getting better from the ear infection, I suffered from food poisoning for a few days. It seemed fine when I ate, but eating the last bit because I didn’t want to waste caused me trouble. And since last week, I’ve had a severe toothache in my upper right molar, making it hard to eat properly. Even after receiving treatment and taking antibiotics at the dentist, the pain persisted for a few days. As it started to get better, I began experiencing back pain. This happens occasionally, usually due to my lack of exercise.

There was a time when I suffered from severe back pain. It hurt even when I was lying still, and especially when I got out of the car after driving, my entire leg would cramp so much that I couldn’t stand properly. Thankfully, there was nothing wrong with my discs; it was due to weak muscles, and after walking as the simplest form of exercise for a few days, the pain disappeared. That led me to walk every day for about six months. Walking alone is not noisy like exercising at the gym and it provides personal reflection time. It’s also interesting to see how different houses are decorated. Listening to an audio Bible allows me to cover a lot of material, and it’s also a great time for prayer.

So, I started walking again. I had a meeting yesterday and couldn’t find proper time to walk until around 9 PM, and even though it was lightly raining, I still walked around my house. While walking that night, I prayed, and a prayer of gratitude came to me. Some people say that the pastor’s church is doing important work for the Lord, so the pastor and church leaders come under attack. Instead of fear, I continued to pray with a spirit of defiance. That night, as I walked, I felt God wasn’t healing me through prayer alone but rather through regular grace – reaping what you sow, by exercising to take care of my health.

So, I walked vigorously and mockingly said to Satan, ‘You thought nailing the Son of God, Jesus, to the cross would lead to your victory, but in the end, His death became the path to salvation for all mankind! You tried to harm my body to hinder the Lord’s work, but ultimately, it helped me exercise and run more fervently for the Lord’s will. So, you are foolish and naive.’ Sometimes, I may be upset when God doesn’t immediately fulfill my wishes, but the Lord’s work is always righteous, certain, and perfect. He leads us not to the easy way, but to the right way.

예배시간 변경
(Service Time Change)

  • 12월 1일 센트럴 꿈이 있는 교회 예배는 영국교회 행사 관계로 오후 3시로 변경되었습니다. 윔블던은 기존과 동일합니다.
  • Sunday’s service(1st, Dec) of Central campus will be held at 3 p.m. due to an English Church event.

예배시간 변경 안내(service time change)

  • 3월 3일(3월 첫 주만) 센트럴 주일예배가 영국교회 행사 관계로 오후 3시로 변경되었습니다. 윔블던 예배는 동일하게 오전 10시 30분 입니다.
  • Sunday’s service(3rd, Mar) of Central campus will be held at 3 p.m. due to an English Church event. Wimbledon campus’s service is the same as usual(10.30a.m.).