Is Joshua Entering Adolescence? – Rev. Young Joo Lee
When we invite families from our church for a barbeque, Joshua plays well with the younger children even though there’s often a large age gap. They call Joshua their ‘older church brother’. Joshua’s thoughts are deep and he’s rich in emotions. He’s more detailed compared to my three daughters, and is firm on what he […]
“Deciding to consider it a very small thing” – Rev. Young Joo Lee
After carefully planning, and for the first time in a year and three months, we started our first in-person worship services on the first Sunday in June. We didn’t all meet, but instead, with a limit of 50 people including 15 members of the Sunday service team, our cell groups took turns attending the worship […]
“What it means to have a lot of love” – Rev. Young Joo Lee
One of the words that we use the most but is most difficult to define is ‘love’. I constantly ask myself whether I am a loving person. The bible tells us that God is love – therefore, without having a proper relationship with God, it is difficult to understand what love actually is. Then how […]
“We need Grace of God” – Rev. Young Joo Lee
I believe it would be similar for most pastors, but I also had more ministry work after the pandemic. Since March last year, when all services and gatherings have been converted online, there have been many new things to start and adapt to. Since there was no church building, we first started worshipping at my […]
“Being Personally Intimate with God” – Rev. Young Joo Lee
I think I’m a rational type of person. When interpreting the Bible and delivering the message to others, it first needs to be logical and persuasive for me to be confident and inspired by the Word. That’s why I prefer the structure of my sermon to build up to one final climactic message, rather than […]
“A day to grow my patience” – Rev. Young Joo Lee
As I get older, I have realized how deeply important patience and restraint is. I have repeatedly thought to myself ‘If I would have shown restraint and hadn’t said anything they wouldn’t have been hurt so badly,’ and have been able to say to myself ‘After restraining myself over the years I can feel that […]
“Can’t live a day without You” – H.J. Kwak (S.M. Im cell)
It has been a precious and thankful experience. I would like to thank our Lord who faithfully trained me during the past three years, and thank those of you who took part of my journey here in London. My studies in London and joining God’s Vision Church was all part of God’s clear plan. And […]
“Cafe Talk by Sector” – Rev. Young Joo Lee
From June, we start our offline Sunday Services in the church. We have planned to take 50 people initially and slowly increase the number. Before we do so, we are currently holding our last online Café Talk. Rather than creating additional church-wide online meetings during the pandemic, we decided to focus more on our services […]
A Contact with Ministry Leader in India – Rev. Young Joo Lee
The news of India’s worsening Covid-19 situation has been lingering in my heart. Last week, I spoke with Missionary K.H. Ahn on the phone, and this week, I contacted two local leaders. Bancas, one of the leaders, is a friend I met when I first went to India, and it has already been 11 years […]
Slander Arouses Anger – Rev. Young Joo Lee
Slander arouses anger, because it disparages someone else. The command for parents ‘not to provoke their children’ means not to slander. One can point out someone else’s mistake and provide advice, but if such words are devaluing or provokes guilt, then it will arouse anger. Even though God is able to judge and evaluate us […]