“An exciting meeting with pastor Soo Kwang Kwak” – Pastor Young Joo Lee
Last weekend I had the chance to meet pastor Soo Kwang Kwak and his wife Jeong Mi Song. Though they had not yet adjusted to the jet lag, and were most likely incredibly tired, but they still invited us to a meal, and we shared a meaningful time in which they shared with us their […]
“God’s pattern of guidance” – Pastor Young Joo Lee
Once every while when I meet pastors that are devoted to serving God, I can’t help but wonder about their spirituality. I remember that when I met Pastor Lee Yonggyu, he said that to him, his ministry was no different from living in a monastery, even though his ministry involved managing a university that requires […]
“A Letter in Our Offering Box” – Pastor Young Joo Lee
Recently, quite a few non-Korean Christians have started to attend our church. Perhaps God is sending them in light of our vision to establish a multicultural church one day?? One of the Korean newcomers who recently joined our church was actually led to GVC thanks to one of our non-Korean members, who had decided to […]
“Holy Spirit, please work in my life” – Pastor Young Joo Lee
Since the start of my last holidays, I have been earnestly seeking God’s powerful presence and glory. At the same time, one of my strongest desires throughout this year has been to become God’s co-worker. I feel that God truly values and attaches significance to my thoughts and actions, even to the point where God’s […]
“God who builds and leads God’s Vision Church” – Pastor Young Joo Lee
Every year around this time one important thing that I must do and a prayer request that I have is raising up cell leaders. There are existing cell leaders who finish their studies in the summer and return to Korea and there are always a group of new families who come in the fall so […]
“After participating in Arise” – Jiyong Park (Arise Team Leader)
I learned a lot from preparing and participating in this year’s Arise. Firstly, I learned that God prepares us and meets all our needs. When I was first told that we would be preparing for Arise, I was excited but also filled with fear. I had participated in the past, but I had never been […]
“God who leads us down the path of growth” – Pastor Juyoung Park
Firstly, I thank God for giving us the circumstances and grace to go ahead with this year’s Summer Bible School. I also thank the members of our church that prayed for us and supported us in many ways. Our Summer Bible School is one of the most important events for the children in our church. […]
“After coming back from Arise” – Woo Il Park
I tend to hesitate over evangelism, as it always feels uncomfortable and difficult. In particular, the fact that I would be involved in door-to-door evangelism during this year’s ARISE program made me more nervous. Even moments before ringing the doorbell, I kept endlessly worrying about whether I would be able to communicate well in English. […]
“Returning from Arise” – Seung Joo Lee
Before the first Arise meeting God gave to me, who was half doubting, a heart of “don’t be fearful of anything, but just participate in and enjoy the work that I am doing” so that’s how I ended up participating. And before Arise, although I couldn’t fully prepare because of the excuse that I was […]
“As I return from Arise” – Minji Lee (H.N. Park cell)
Hello, my name is Minji Lee, and I participated this year’s Arise as a full timer. This year, I was able to participate full time as I was transitioning to a new job and therefore was able to adjust my schedule to accommodate. Albeit small, it was my way of doing what God likes as […]