“Being Personally Intimate with God” – Rev. Young Joo Lee

I think I’m a rational type of person. When interpreting the Bible and delivering the message to others, it first needs to be logical and persuasive for me to be confident and inspired by the Word. That’s why I prefer the structure of my sermon to build up to one final climactic message, rather than laying down multiple topics.

I find it easier to meditate on the Bible than on worship songs. Also, I find it easier to concentrate and pray earnestly when seeking God to understand the meaning of the Bible passage, compared to when praying for my needs and problems. It’s probably because each worship song is somewhat limited to a particular theme and similarly, the scope is narrow and limited when praying about my own situation. On the contrary, I discover something new when I quietly seek God’s mind and meditate on His Word, even if it’s a very familiar passage. It’s like discovering a fresh stream of spring water when you keep on digging a small puddle. You will come across such moments when you are deeply touched by His Word.

However, as I’ve been proclaiming at each service, I’m eager to break through in prayer this year. That’s why I earnestly pray that I become a pastor who can teach well about prayer, not only through what is in the Bible, but through experience as well.

During my sabbatical leave a few years ago, I came to know something new about God’s presence. As I temporarily stepped away from the ministry, my prayer life and Bible studies inevitably became less intense. On some occasions, I intentionally let go. I had known about God’s unconditional love, regardless of my works. But during my sabbatical, I also realised and felt that God’s presence is unchanging and would never leave me.

Near the end of my sabbatical, I worried that I was returning to ministry having been too complacent, but I was able to feel God’s presence with added authority when I returned to the altar. I was surprised to feel the difference, as I always thought that I was quite insensitive spiritually. Since then, I have been more spiritually sensitive and alert in many ways. There were times when I felt Satan attacking me as well as being liberated and strengthened in God’s glorious presence.

Even now, it feels difficult when my mind becomes complicated and my spiritual life becomes less well-managed. On the other hand, I’m also thankful that I can learn to be led by the Holy Spirit in those circumstances. I want to dedicate more to prayer and fully obey to God speaking to me through the Spirit. In that way, I want my relationship with God to be more personal, direct, real and practical in my life.

“Loving Father, I thank You that You are always present in my life. Please help me so that I can continue to walk with You and stay close to You. Like David, please make my heart like Yours and let Your Will be done”

예배시간 변경 안내(service time change)

  • 3월 3일(3월 첫 주만) 센트럴 주일예배가 영국교회 행사 관계로 오후 3시로 변경되었습니다. 윔블던 예배는 동일하게 오전 10시 30분 입니다.
  • Sunday’s service(3rd, Mar) of Central campus will be held at 3 p.m. due to an English Church event. Wimbledon campus’s service is the same as usual(10.30a.m.).