Every morning at 6am, the warmth of the Word gently rises like a campfire. This special gathering, which began on the first Monday after my appointment on 9th Dec last year, has become a precious place of grace for me.
I remember the morning of the first meeting when I woke up 30 minutes early, took a shower, and even carefully selected a neat shirt. However, when I joined the meeting, I couldn’t help but smile—everyone had their cameras off and participated only through audio. Although I had been looking forward to greeting everyone with a bright face, I found comfort in the fact that I could focus solely on the Word without worrying about appearances.
The meeting lasts for an hour. It begins with a prayer from the leader, followed by a designated person reading the passage for the day. The next 20 minutes of personal meditation are the most profound moments of my day. I read the passage repeatedly, sometimes pausing to pray, reflecting on my day’s plans under the light of the Word. During this time, I earnestly seek the illumination of the Holy Spirit. More than just understanding the meaning of the passage, I focus on listening to the ‘voice’ God has for me today.
Every morning, the grace that the Lord pours out is new. Today, He spoke to me about what I should truly ‘fear.’ (Luke 12:1-12) I put my faith in this Word. (Hebrews 4:2) Meditation goes beyond gaining biblical knowledge. It is about entrusting my life to the Word. The proper response to the given Word is to conclude with ‘obedience.’
Dedicating the first moments of the day to God is a commitment to walk with Him throughout the day. Especially, sharing the Word together as a group is a wonderful blessing. Even when reading the same passage, God’s voice resonates differently with each person. Some days, I gain new insights through others that I hadn’t noticed before. Other times, the insights I receive become a source of encouragement to someone else.
I make every effort to attend, even when I have external commitments. No matter where I am, I connect through Zoom to share the Word and pray together. This time is precious. “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” (Hebrews 4:12) Every morning, I experience the Lord searching and guiding the depths of my heart.
This time of meditation brings peace to my heart like a calm lake, yet at times, it washes away anxiety, worries, and burdens like a powerful waterfall. Just as people gather around a warm campfire to share stories, I hope that more people will join in this intimate and profound feast of the Word. Offering the first moments of the day to God is a humble confession of seeking His grace and a loving commitment to walk with Him.