
28/3/2021 Church News

♠ Service Team Recruitment

1. Evangelism Study group: Held at 8pm on Mondays to discuss the book ‘The Case for Christ’ (Zoom Meeting ID: 851 2415 7758 Passcode: 2020). Please reach out to Jeeyong Park (Kakaotalk ID: ryanjyp; [email protected])
2. Production Team recruitment: We are looking to recruit members for the Production Team. Anyone who is interested or has experience in using streaming software and equipment, please get in touch with your cell leader or Deacon Tae Kyu Yang (Kakaotalk ID: ytd211; [email protected])
3. English Interpretation Study group: Biweekly on Saturdays from 4:30 to 6pm. Please reach out to Inyoung Song (Kakaotalk ID: inyounguk)
4. Praise Team recruitment: We are looking to recruit members for the Praise Team (drum, bass, singer) Anyone who is interested, please get in touch with Pastor Park (Kakaotalk ID: skylife1691; [email protected])
5. Children’s Sunday School recruitment: We are looking to recruit two young adults to act as head and assistant teachers. Please contact Hyunah Kwon if you are interested (Kakaotalk: hyunah1991)

♠ Special Notice

1. Newcomers: Welcome to our visitors and newcomers! If you join our Zoom meeting after the Service, our Welcome Team will be there to greet you. After this meeting, you will be invited to a two-week Zoom session with Pastor Park that is designed to help you settle into our God’s Vision Church community (Zoom ID: 447 637 5940; Password: 2021).
2. Mission Sunday: Today is Mission Sunday, which we observe on the last Sunday of every month. All offerings collected today will be used for planting churches and raising religious leaders in India.
3. Easter Retreat: You are invited to join us for Missionary Daniel Kim’s series of sermons and breakout groups titled “Understand what the Lord’s will is!” (Eph. 5:15-17) Date: 2nd-5th April, 10am (2pm on Sun). Please contact your cell leader for more information.
4. Easter Retreat Fasting Prayer Relay: We continue to pray for our Easter Retreat. Each cell will take turns to participate in fasting prayer in preparation for the Easter Retreat. (English cell – Thurs)
5. Confirmation and Baptism: There will be a Confirmation and Baptism ceremony on 9th May. Anyone who is interested in participating in confirmation and baptism (including Infant Baptism), please reach out to your cell leader.
6. Outreach Team Regularly Scheduled Meeting: Outreach/Missions intercessory prayer meeting takes place the last Monday of every month at 8 pm.
7. Online Live Service and Online Giving: Sunday Services begin at 2pm and Wednesday Services at 7.30pm. Online service starts 15 mins before the service. Sunday school service begins at 12:00 – for details please contact Pastor Park. Online giving can be done by bank transfer to: God’s Vision Church, Account No: 01996835, Sort Code : 30-94-77. Please label your offerings as Tithe/Gratitude/Mission, as applicable.

♠ Community support

Visitors last week: S.J. Cho

Goodbye to: Alan (English Cell) – May God provide me with his grace and wisdom, and may I always walk with the Holy Spirit

Appointments: Service Ministry Head – Deacon S.N. Choi, Worship Ministry Head – Deacon Yoon S.H., Production Team Head – Deacon T.K. Yang, Service Preparation Team Head – Deacon Y.J. KimAppointments: Service Ministry Head – Deacon S.N. Choi, Worship Ministry Head – Deacon Yoon S.H., Production Team Head – Deacon T.K. Yang, Service Preparation Team Head – Deacon Y.J. Kim

예배시간 변경
(Service Time Change)

  • 12월 1일 센트럴 꿈이 있는 교회 예배는 영국교회 행사 관계로 오후 3시로 변경되었습니다. 윔블던은 기존과 동일합니다.
  • Sunday’s service(1st, Dec) of Central campus will be held at 3 p.m. due to an English Church event.

예배시간 변경 안내(service time change)

  • 3월 3일(3월 첫 주만) 센트럴 주일예배가 영국교회 행사 관계로 오후 3시로 변경되었습니다. 윔블던 예배는 동일하게 오전 10시 30분 입니다.
  • Sunday’s service(3rd, Mar) of Central campus will be held at 3 p.m. due to an English Church event. Wimbledon campus’s service is the same as usual(10.30a.m.).