Service and Fellowship

Sunday 2 PM
Welsh Baptist Church 30 Eastcatle Street, London W1W 8DJ
Live interpretation is available in English. Please ask at reception.

Welsh Baptist Church 30 Eastcatle Street, London W1W 8DJ
Live interpretation is available in English. Please ask at reception.

Small Groups After Sunday Service
We meet at nearby cafes after service. We call these cafes God’s vision church education halls. Costa hall, Pret hall, Starbucks hall… We saw more cafes opening when we were experiencing increase in our cell group numbers. You will easily find our cell groups filling the cafes nearby.

You can participate in the online morning devotion led by our Pastor. You can join anywhere using Skype. Add “urmokja” on Skype and you will get a group call before we start. We use the daily devotional book called GT. We read the passage, have quiet devotion time, share with the group and have group and individual prayer time.

Meets at the church building. Begins with 30 minutes of intercession prayer, 30 minutes of praising and an hour of street evangelism in smaller groups. It is an exciting time! Neither rain nor snow can stop us.

Wives devotion meeting Tur evening, Fri morning
In addition to the after service cell group meetings on Sundays, we meet on Friday mornings to share the Word and pray for each other. We have our young children with us so we are distracted at times, but we have a strong yearning for this regular time of praying for each other. We use the daily devotional book GT to meditate and share what we have felt and applied honestly.