“Update on the Vision of the Three Major Ministries of the Church” – Young Joo Lee
When the new year comes, both individuals and churches often set goals for the year. However, in my case, since I’m not the type to particularly remember anniversaries, I don’t set specific goals when the new year changes. This is because I always have burning desires in my heart. It’s more like something God has […]
“Things to know” – Yoojin Cho (S.H Son)
My last prayer of 2023 was “Please let me know what I need to know in this short life”. God answered me with his Word from Deuteronomy 7:9 “Know therefore that the Lord your God is God”. John Calvin said, “There is no knowledge of God without knowledge of oneself, and there is no knowledge […]
When Our Church Needs a Building – Pastor Young Joo Lee
Fruits, vegetables, and meat might be affordable, but everything else in the UK is expensive. Naturally, when living is so tight, it’s more common to be accustomed to receiving rather than giving. When I first came to the UK, it felt awkward that visiting lecturers and pastors from abroad would bring all the necessary expenses […]
“To the brothers and sisters I miss” – Pasotr Chan Kyu Lee (Frankfurt Hanmaeum church)
Greetings of longing and peace in Christ. The memories of the GVC (God’s Vision Church) gathering in November were particularly memorable and special for me and my wife. Personally, at a time when I was physically exhausted from the pressure of service, I was curious about ‘the’ reason God sent me exactly at this time. […]
“Wherever I Am, Whatever I Do” – Yeseon Yoon (J.H. Song)
After graduating and preparing for employment, it felt like I was standing alone in the wilderness even as I sought for God. As the job preparation period lengthened, my heart grew dry, and anxiety about the future continued to increase. Though I professed to entrust my future to the Lord with my lips, in my […]
“Looking back on this year” – Seo Jin Lee (M.H Kim Cell)
Last year was a year I wanted to blank out. It was a year after my father’s sudden diagnosis of stage 3 cancer, followed by chemotherapy, my quarantine in different countries during the pandemic, internship, and parenting of my younger brother. I stayed strong, but it was challenging and sometimes a bit overwhelming. The time […]
“The freedom of the Gospel” – Eun-seo Jung (B.W&H.E Cell)
How many in our generation do you think enjoy their youth to the fullest, when having to live in endless competition? Poet Seung-Ja Choi describes youth as suffering, loneliness, and longing in the poem ‘Eternal Triangle of Youth’. Looking back at my life, it seems that I too was trapped in that triangle in my […]
Invitation to a Warm Bonfire Morning Meditation Gathering – Pastor Young Joo Lee
I started studying English, a language I had shied away from since high school, at the age of forty when I decided to come to the UK for missionary work. I attended an English language institute, but it was not easy to juggle it with my pastoral duties, so I also studied one-on-one with native […]
“Serving as Chairman of the Association of Korean Churches in England” – Pastor Young Joo Lee
In 2008, the year I came to the UK, I immediately joined the Association of Korean Churches in England because I thought unity was important. When I was an associate member, the president pastor offered me to work with him as a secretary. Although I did not even know the types of stamps, I obediently […]
“Truth and Vision is a Living Character” – Pastor Young Joo Lee
When contemplating truth, it’s often viewed as the ‘right path’ or ‘guiding life’s true teachings’ and many world religions aim to convey this. During Saturday evangelism in central London, a common phrase is used when engaging with those exploring religions or acknowledging the Creator with unclear beliefs. The phrase goes, ‘Choosing a religion should be […]