“A Unique Community” – Pastor Young Joo Lee
Our God’s Vision Church is truly a unique community. Like most Korean churches, we don’t have a building of our own, so we cannot spend much time together. In the case of the Central GVC, since people’s homes are far from the church, we have to use nearby cafes for our cell group meetings after […]
“A sad week” – Pastor Young Joo Lee
Last Tuesday, I was emotionally very sensitive throughout the day. The dominant emotion was ‘sadness.’ While feelings like anxiety, confusion, or anger might have been more natural, I personally just felt sad. There was a time when, during the impeachment of President Park Geun-hye, the entire nation became immersed in politics, and I, too, was […]
“Ordinary, Not Extraordinary” – Pastor Young Joo Lee
When I was in college, I once imagined what Jesus might have looked like in real life. Would He resemble the portrayal in movies about Jesus? The kind of figure who, while walking, turns around to His disciples with a solemn expression and declares, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom […]
“Stepping down from my position as Chairman of the Association of Korean Churches in England” – Pastor Young Joo Lee
After the general meeting on Monday, I will be stepping down from my chairman position. With a busy life serving the church, missionary, as well as having to take care of my young children, I was reluctant to take the position initially. I felt I was not good enough to hold the important role but […]
“I had a good trip to the U.S.” – Pastor Young Joo Lee
I recently led a 2-night, 3-day retreat for the “WorshipLife” Young Adults Ministry at Bethel Church in Irvine, California, followed by delivering sermons for all four Sunday services. Coming off a similar experience in Germany last month, I was once again blessed to witness God’s abundant grace. Despite the physical exhaustion from the 10-hour time […]
“About Humility” – Pastor Young Joo Lee
When we think of humility, we imagine someone lowering themselves before others, staying in the background, and not boasting about what they have. While humility involves not putting oneself first, it does not mean acting passively. The best explanation of humility is found in Philippians 2. The church in Philippi was the one of the […]
“A World Full of Grace” – Pastor Young Joo Lee
There are two main perspectives on how to view the world. The first is a retributive perspective which values working hard and doing one’s best. Just as it is said in the Bible, ‘You will reap what you sow,’ God has certainly given people free will. This means that the results of our lives are […]
“Welcoming Efem Buckle” – Pastor Young Joo Lee
The London City Mission (LCM) was started in Hoxton, east London, by David Nasmith on May 16, 1835. Its early work centered on the poor and needy, and it carried out extensive charity work, including in so-called ‘Ragged Schools’, and ministries for workers. One missionary walked 3,000 miles from London and made 1,300 visits, including […]
“Are you reading the Bible diligently?” – Pastor Young Joo Lee
They say that there are hundreds of billions, or even trillions, of planets like Earth in the universe. It is truly astonishing to think that God created the vast universe and all those planets by His Word. It is beyond comprehension that this great God sent His own Son to Earth, a tiny speck in […]
“My trip to Germany” – Pastor Young Joo Lee
From 3rd October (Thu) to 5th October (Sun), I delivered the word of God five times at the youth retreat of Hanmaum Church, Frankfurt, Germany and finally at their Sunday service. I shared the famous ‘Sermon on the Mount’ from Matthew 5-7 within the six sermons. Although I had prepared the main points to deliver […]